Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Love Your Children

Today I went in for Jury Duty. I'm very glad I wasn't selected to be on the jury - it was a criminal trial and the defendant was charged with some awful things. So, instead of thinking about that, I tried to come up with something a bit happier...

Love your children, hold them tight
Keep them safe throughout the night
You can be their guiding light
So love your children, hold them tight

Love your children, teach them well
How to read and add and spell
And how to bathe so they won’t smell
Yes, teach your children, teach them well

Love your children, heart and mind
Show them how to be refined
Demonstrate how to be kind
As you love them, heart and mind

Love your children, through and through
It’s the best thing you can do
If you do it right then you
Have children who will love you, too!

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