Monday, March 3, 2014

I'm All Thumbs

In the spirit of today's holiday - "What If Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day" - I offer this:

Today is the day that we ponder a puzzle
That’s heard throughout mansions and slums
What would happen if all of our doggies and kitties
Were born with opposable thumbs?

Would kittens be knittin’ instead of unwindin’
The yarn from your neatly wrapped ball?
Perhaps they’d parade in new fashions from Paris
With zippers and snaps, big and small?

And our puppies, would they use a fork or some chopsticks
While searching for scraps round our feet
Or they might find a method of holding their leashes
While walking themselves down the street

But the one thing about this that really concerns me
Is this - what if they drew a line
Or painted a picture or sketched a nice scene
And their art turns out better than mine!

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