Friday, February 28, 2014

What A Day

What a day, what a day!
What an interesting day!
Some things have been changing
And going my way

We had a great class
Heard what our pilots do
Worked with robots and planes
Graduation day, too

But the best thing today
(I’ll be smiling for days!)
Got called in by the boss
And I got a fat raise!!

Then to dinner at Moe’s
That was kind of a pain
‘Cross the road we took there
Someone parked a big train!

There’s one more big change
I’ve been thinking about
But I’m not ready yet
To let that secret out

But suffice it to say
When I’m ready, you’ll hear
All about it if you
Keep on visiting here!

Thursday, February 27, 2014


Tonight I felt like drawing a shark, but I didn't want it to be too cartoony. When I found this reference image, I realized I hadn't done a monochrome picture in a while and it all just fell into place.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chilly Bear

Thursday will be a big day! It features three major holidays: International Polar Bear Day, National Chili Day AND National Strawberry Day! However, you might not want to combine all three - leave that to the professionals...

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


When you don't know what to do, you
Really ought to draw a pudu!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Granitunica mcfaddeniae

Today I heard some really excellent news. An old friend of mine from way back in my geology days has officially had a fossil named after her. Her last name is McFadden, and this tiny little round, microscopic fossil is called Granitunica mcfaddeniae. 

I wanted to write a poem in honor of this, but unfortunately I don't know the correct pronunciation for this name. Luckily, blazing ignorance hasn't stopped me before, so, with a little help from this excellent reference, I came up with this:

GRAN-ih-TUNE-ih-KUH mic-FAD-in-EE-ee

Which then led to this poem:

Most people merely pass through history-ee
A few, however, pause and really see-ee
With luck, they’ll make a big discovery-ee
Like Granitunica mcfaddeniae

What’s that? You’ve no idea what that could be-ee?
This tiny critter living in the sea-ee
A billion years ago, or two or three-ee
It’s Granitunica mcfaddeniae

And when you study it’s morphology-ee
A thick and double wall is plain to see-ee
Exhibiting a granularity-ee
‘Round Granitunica mcfaddeniae

(Kat, if you ever read this and I've completely messed it up, let me know and I'll try to come up with something better!)

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Another movement/posture study. This time I did a Google image search for 'fencing' then tried some quick sketches using the photos as a reference.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

Sword Swallower's Day

If Saturday comes and the world doesn’t end
There’s another adventurous option to spend
The day doing something amazing, my friend

So go get a bayonet, epee or knife
Brush aside hesitation, forget any strife
Just throw back your head as you celebrate life
And enjoy your Sword Swallower’s Day!

You don’t have one? Use mine! But I don’t have a spare
It’s okay. In the spirit of friendship, I’ll share
Go ahead, I’ll be watching from right over there
Safe and sound on Sword Swallower’s Day!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Classic

Just felt like drawing something fun tonight, so I'm going back to the classics.

Update: I wasn't intending this to be a stereo 3D picture, but after finishing I realized it would be pretty easy to convert, so here it is. Like the others, cross your eyes and let the two pictures merge into a third in the middle.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Now I'm extra depressed. According to the guys who carry wooden swords and dress up like Vikings, the world will end on Saturday. Oh well, at least there's time for one more limerick!

Say goodbye to all things you hold dear
Cause the end of the world’s almost here
When Saturday calls
Is when Ragnarok falls
And the Norse gods and monsters appear

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Doodle Worms

Today was much better for me than yesterday - most of my problems have been resolved (or at least dealt with in some way). One problem that remained, as always, was deciding what to draw. I resorted to the old trick of drawing a random squiggle and then trying to figure out what it looked like. Needless to say, when I started this drawing I was not expecting to end up with two hat-wearing worms hugging a hot pepper at a fiesta, but there you go...

Plus, for extra fun, I recorded it as another time lapse drawing video!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Fluffy Bunny

It's been a rough day, including (but not limited to):
- a semi blocking the road to work
- the wrong class showing up, necessitating a hasty changeover
- miscommunication between my boss, our HR firm, a judge and his secretary, which will probably result in me having to repay the nearly $400 I got when I was unemployed during the government shutdown
- scrambling around getting ready for our yearly site audit, which starts tomorrow, and
- driving home through a blinding snowstorm
(plus more, but I'm getting worn out just thinking about it)

Anyway, after all that I just needed something soft, comforting and friendly, so here's a fluffy bunny.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Science Fair Fun

(Can you guess what I was helping with this afternoon?)

It’s Science Fair time, with all that that brings
Electrical gizmos and bright, shiny things
To probe and to poke and to get to the facts
To add this to that and see how it reacts
To find the pH of a lemon, and then
Plug in some electrodes and measure again
Then see what the amps and the voltages read
Did I get any power? I did, yes indeed!
Or maybe I’ll make a volcano instead
With vinegar lava all foamy and red
Perhaps grow some crystals, all colors and shapes
Or maybe I’ll just burn a hole in the drapes
But the key to it all, when things start to go bad
Is to act all confused and just leave it to Dad

Saturday, February 15, 2014

World Pangolin Day

Today, the third Saturday of February, is World Pangolin Day! You can celebrate, support our little scaly friends or just curl up into a ball - it's all okay!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Love Walruses

Tonight, by request from my youngest daughter, a pair of pink love walruses, giving each other Valentine's hearts while sitting on a heart-shaped iceberg.

As an added bonus, I tried something new with this picture. Instead of drawing it on the Samsung tablet like normal, I used the same app on my iPad from work. This version has some different features. On the down side, it doesn't offer stylus support, so I had to draw with my finger which is far less precise. But on the upside, it has another feature where you can record a time lapse video of your drawing in progress. Here's the video:

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hippo of Love

Shhh! Don't tell! This is the picture for the front of my wife's Valentine's card. I hope she doesn't see this before I can give it to her! (And yes, I colored the final version.)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Darwin Day, Take 2

Can you believe it's already been an entire year since Charles Darwin's last birthday? Last year to celebrate I drew a pencil sketch of him. Unfortunately, I hated the way it turned out. To me, it looks more like a bald, grumpy Will Ferrell than Charles Darwin. However, in the spirit of constant evolution and improvement (at least in drawing), tonight I re-attempted the same picture, this time as a digital painting. It's still nowhere near perfect (or even good), but it might be getting a little closer.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Taking Out The Trash On A Snowy Evening

The moon and the stars were so bright
When I took out the garbage tonight
As I slogged through the snow
‘Neath the silvery glow
My shoes filled with ice - what a plight!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Week of Sleep

The postings this week might be light
Cause I’m going to bed every night
At ten and not two
To see how I do
When I wake up all chipper and bright

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014


Tonight I got caught up watching TV and before I knew it, it was 11:30. Here are some quick spider sketches just so I have something to post today.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Once again, a night where I didn't know what to draw and was running out of time. So here are some jellyfish! (This one took about 40 minutes.)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sochi Eve

Tomorrow brings the first event
The prep is done, the money’s spent
And now the world will get to see
The glory of the town Sochi!

What’s that you say? We’re not done yet?
You say the concrete hasn’t set?
And hotel roofs are not yet on?
Where has the time and money gone?

Just calm yourself, it’s getting late
I’m sure you just exaggerate
I know that things are going fine
I’m listening to every line!

The tracks are safe, or mostly so
We probably will get some snow
So please enjoy this lovely day
The terrorists are far away

Because tomorrow it begins
Two weeks of losses and of wins
Of splendor and of tragedy
When all the world beholds Sochi

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Valentine's Insta-Card

Long time readers might recognize this poem from around Valentine's day last year. However, it fit so well with the Valentine's Day Art Exchange that I had to make up a fancy border and post it again.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Dino Love

Over at DeviantArt, they're hosting a Valentine's Day Art Exchange where people can submit pictures to be used as digital cards. Here's my first goofy attempt - more will probably be coming.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Not So Super

This evening, we went to a Super Bowl party with a lot of other families from our church. The company was great, the food was plentiful, but the game itself - well, I think this sums it up...

It was Peyton’s inglorious fate
To play the Big Game on this date
While Seattle, with glee
Scored a huge 43
The poor Broncos could only get 8

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Spring Is Almost Here!

This afternoon, despite all the slushy, mushy, rainy, snowy awfulness, I got my first hint that the end of winter is coming. As I was looking out my window, you can imagine my surprise when I saw the first robin of Spring hopping around in my backyard!