Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Grumpy Rondeau

A rondeau poem inspired by the Mr. Grumpy Pants drawing from a few days ago.

What’s up with him? That grumpy guy
A spark of fury in each eye
His hair sticks out to either side
His brow is clenched, his nostrils wide
Don’t get too close, his fist may fly

When we first met, I thought I’d try
To be polite, so I said “Hi!”
But he just muttered something snide
   What’s up with him?

I tried again, I said “good-bye”
And then he kicked me in the thigh!
He bruised my leg and stung my pride
That jerk! I think his soul has died.
I bet he makes his momma cry!
   What’s up with him?

(See this site http://www.shadowpoetry.com/resources/wip/rondeau.html for a description of the rondeau form)

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