Monday, February 11, 2013

Background Check

I filled in my papers online yesterday
For a routine security check
I applied for a job, and I’m sure I’ll be fine
Though it sends a slight chill down my neck

See, it’s possible while they’re all digging around
Through the details they might have obtained
That they might find an incident, maybe a few
That I probably should have explained

Like, for instance, the crop circles, that was all me
I would wait for the end of the day
And then try to make art for my alien friends
I suppose I got carried away

And with all of my studies in biorobots
You would think I’d be able to guess
That when testing a giant mechanical beast
I shouldn’t have chosen Loch Ness

I suppose I’ll confess that the moon landings, too
Were all faked in my backyard one night
And that face up on Mars? My idea of a joke
Just to give some old egghead a fright

And there might be a couple more things in the past
That I might be responsible for:
The Titanic, Tunguska, Tiananmen Square,
And the Peloponnesian War 

The Crusades were my fault, and the Hindenburg, too
And the Plague was because of my fleas
And the storm that sent Dorothy and Toto to Oz
Got it’s start with my one little sneeze

That flood of molasses, that river that burned,
And Vanilla Ice learning to “rap”
I’m the one who sent poor old Miss Earhart along
With a sadly inadequate map 

That’s all I remember, there could be some more
They’ll uncover with all their research
But I hope they’ll be kind, cause this job would be great
At the daycare that’s run by my church

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