Monday, February 18, 2013

Oh Pluto

(To commemorate the discovery of Pluto by Clyde Tombaugh, Feb. 18, 1930.)

Oh Pluto
Oh Pluto
Oh poor, neglected Pluto
Forever hanging out in space
Forever hide your dusky face
Until Clyde Tombaugh checks his plates
And spies you sneaking past

Oh Pluto
Oh Pluto
Oh loved and lauded Pluto
Congrats! You are a planet now
At least five moons all circle round
With New Horizons to be found
Approaching you at last

Oh Pluto
Oh Pluto
Oh sad, rejected Pluto
So tragically misunderstood 
They took away your planethood
They call you dwarf, and think that’s good
A planet’s lowest caste

So Pluto
Dear Pluto
My darling little Pluto
I wish you happy Founding Day
And from my heart sincerely pray
You’d please stop throwing rocks our way
It’s getting old real fast

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