Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mumble the Mummy

My 8-year-old daughter wrote a book called "A Mummy Named Mumble" for a school project. It's due tomorrow, so tonight she's doing the illustrations. At dinner tonight, she asked for my help drawing a mummy. She drew her version while I drew mine. I'll let you decide which is better (I'm voting for hers!)

Daddy's Mummy
Mumble the Mummy

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Meow Brains

First, let me say that I love and appreciate Mr. Rogers as much as anyone, and this probably isn't the most fitting way to commemorate the 10th anniversary of his passing. Once I got this image in my head, though, I knew I had to draw it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Grumpy Rondeau

A rondeau poem inspired by the Mr. Grumpy Pants drawing from a few days ago.

What’s up with him? That grumpy guy
A spark of fury in each eye
His hair sticks out to either side
His brow is clenched, his nostrils wide
Don’t get too close, his fist may fly

When we first met, I thought I’d try
To be polite, so I said “Hi!”
But he just muttered something snide
   What’s up with him?

I tried again, I said “good-bye”
And then he kicked me in the thigh!
He bruised my leg and stung my pride
That jerk! I think his soul has died.
I bet he makes his momma cry!
   What’s up with him?

(See this site for a description of the rondeau form)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Rockets & Robots

I spent a good part of the afternoon with my co-teacher, hashing out most of the details of our summer camp program. Bonus points to the first person who can guess this year's theme!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mr. Grumpy Pants

A Sunday bonus! I taught the 1st-2nd grade Sunday School lesson today about the Golden Rule. Part of it involved drawing a "meanie" on the board, to the kids' specifications. This is what they came up with (including a frown, curly hair, smoke coming out of the ears, punching fist, flexing muscle and kicking foot.) I hereby present Mr. Grumpy Pants!

Exhibition, Part 8 - A Trip to the Rings

Today was the last day of the art exhibition at church - I took down my drawings right after the service. Here's my 8th and final entry into the show. I initially drew it to fill a long, skinny, 5-hole frame.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

First Robin

I saw my first robin of spring this afternoon on the back patio. He was a fat little thing. Maybe the groundhogs were right and we will have an early spring. Let's hope so. Anyway, later we went out to Red Robin for dinner. The choice for tonight's drawing was pretty obvious.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Exhibition, Part 7 - Little Octopus

The exhibition in the church gallery ends this Sunday, so I need to post the last 2 pictures that were in the show. (Also, I spent most of the evening unsuccessfully trying to get my mom's Blu-Ray player to connect with her home wifi network - ugh!) Anyway, this picture was my sister's Christmas present from 2011.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sock Monkeys in Space

Today I wanted to draw a sock monkey. I started with the one on the left. He looked like he was just floating around without a care in the world, so I gave him some friends and put him in outer space.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I put the "bad"...

... in badger!

Tonight I tried drawing a badger. It was terrible.

Durrr... my face is all squat and misshapen!!

I figured what I was lacking in quality, I'd make up in quantity. So I drew a bunch more, in various styles, and called it a night.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Happy 540th Birthday, Nicolaus Copernicus! (born 1473)
I found it interesting that he developed the idea that the Earth and planets orbit the sun around 1514, but didn't publish his findings until the year of his death (1543), so I wrote this...

If you’ve got an idea in your head
Don’t wait ‘til you’re virtually dead
To let it come out
Instead, give a shout
And be proud of your thinking instead

For instance, Copernicus found
That the planets all circle around
Not the Earth, but the Sun
Yet he clued in no one
‘Til the year he was put in the ground

Monday, February 18, 2013

Oh Pluto

(To commemorate the discovery of Pluto by Clyde Tombaugh, Feb. 18, 1930.)

Oh Pluto
Oh Pluto
Oh poor, neglected Pluto
Forever hanging out in space
Forever hide your dusky face
Until Clyde Tombaugh checks his plates
And spies you sneaking past

Oh Pluto
Oh Pluto
Oh loved and lauded Pluto
Congrats! You are a planet now
At least five moons all circle round
With New Horizons to be found
Approaching you at last

Oh Pluto
Oh Pluto
Oh sad, rejected Pluto
So tragically misunderstood 
They took away your planethood
They call you dwarf, and think that’s good
A planet’s lowest caste

So Pluto
Dear Pluto
My darling little Pluto
I wish you happy Founding Day
And from my heart sincerely pray
You’d please stop throwing rocks our way
It’s getting old real fast

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Exhibition, Part 6 - Moonlight Bay

Picture 6 of 8 in the First Pres exhibition series. The exhibition ends next Sunday, so if you were planning on seeing it in person, you'd better hurry up (assuming, of course, that any real people actually see this - if you're real, leave me a comment, especially if you have any topics you'd like me to try drawing or writing about.) Anyway, this is an 8 x 10 inch pencil sketch I did back in 2008, trying out different hardnesses of leads.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Namaqua rain frog

(aka Breviceps namaquensis)

Words don't do this little guy justice. Just click here.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Instant Valentine's Day Poem

It’s simple! Just choose and insert a word or phrase from the lettered category and you’ve got an instant, personalized Valentine’s Day poem! 

My dearest ___(A)___, you are the one
You make my ___(B)___ so much fun
I love your ___(C)___, they make me smile
Your ___(D)___ constantly beguile
And so, my ___(A)___, this much is true
I’ll be forever ___(E)___you! 

A - man, wife, girl, guy, boss, mate, friend, ex, dear, love
B - lifetime, evenings, bedroom, work day, lunch break, stalking, tweeting
C - eyes, legs, lips, jokes, pants, threats, notes, songs, posts, hands
D - kisses, movements, glances, e-mails, touches
E - loving, holding, haunting, avoiding, missing, watching, texting

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Penguins on the Moon

Today one of my students showed me a rocket she had been decorating. "Look," she said, "penguins on the moon!" Well, I know a good idea when I hear it, so here's my take on that theme.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy Birthday, Charles Darwin

I've been wanting to try drawing people for a while, but I haven't wanted to mess up. Today I realized that if I did end up making someone look like a misshapen monkey, who better to start with than the father of natural selection himself? Happy Birthday, Chuck!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Background Check

I filled in my papers online yesterday
For a routine security check
I applied for a job, and I’m sure I’ll be fine
Though it sends a slight chill down my neck

See, it’s possible while they’re all digging around
Through the details they might have obtained
That they might find an incident, maybe a few
That I probably should have explained

Like, for instance, the crop circles, that was all me
I would wait for the end of the day
And then try to make art for my alien friends
I suppose I got carried away

And with all of my studies in biorobots
You would think I’d be able to guess
That when testing a giant mechanical beast
I shouldn’t have chosen Loch Ness

I suppose I’ll confess that the moon landings, too
Were all faked in my backyard one night
And that face up on Mars? My idea of a joke
Just to give some old egghead a fright

And there might be a couple more things in the past
That I might be responsible for:
The Titanic, Tunguska, Tiananmen Square,
And the Peloponnesian War 

The Crusades were my fault, and the Hindenburg, too
And the Plague was because of my fleas
And the storm that sent Dorothy and Toto to Oz
Got it’s start with my one little sneeze

That flood of molasses, that river that burned,
And Vanilla Ice learning to “rap”
I’m the one who sent poor old Miss Earhart along
With a sadly inadequate map 

That’s all I remember, there could be some more
They’ll uncover with all their research
But I hope they’ll be kind, cause this job would be great
At the daycare that’s run by my church

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy Chinese New Year!

Good-bye Year of the Dragon, hello Year of the Snake! (I can just imagine the dragon thinking, "Good luck, kid.")

Bonus image! This is what you get when you pick up a picture mid-scan:

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Mountain Stream

Here's the landscape I've been working on yesterday and today. It's based on a photo by Chris Clor.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Exhibition, Part 5 - Sloths

Tonight I've been working on a fairly detailed landscape. It's 11:24 PM, it's nowhere near done yet and I don't want to rush it and mess it up. (I'll mess it up at a leisurely pace tomorrow!)

So, here's the 5th drawing (of 8) that's currently being exhibited in our church art gallery. This one was a Christmas present for my sister last year.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Clowder of Cats

In honor of the Monopoly cat, I thought I'd practice drawing cats today!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

When My Glasses Come Off

Tonight we were out driving around (my wife was driving, I was the passenger) and I told her I didn't know what I was going to post here. She suggested I do something about lights. So, to make things more interesting, I took off my glasses and enjoyed a very pretty (and blurry) ride home.

When my glasses come off of my face
The city’s a much better place
All the dirt disappears
And the lights become spheres
Gently glowing and floating in space

It’s especially pretty at night
When the mixture of darkness and light
Sets the world all ablaze
With kaleidoscope haze
And it’s all thanks to myopic sight

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I once read somewhere that when creating a creature, you should start with the eye and work out from there. So tonight I tried it (with no preliminary pencil sketch or idea where I was going with it) and came up with this dragon. I'm not sure why he's wearing a stocking cap and glasses.

Monday, February 4, 2013


My wife suggested we watch a little Duck Dynasty tonight, which is always a good idea. (Hey! It's the best show ever, Jack!) While we were watching, I doodled a duck.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Big Game

It's the Pangolins vs. the Penguins in the biggest game of the year! Unfortunately, I don't think either team has a firm grasp of the rules...

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Three out of four groundhogs agree - it's gonna be an early Spring!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Remembering, Part 3 - STS-107

In memory of Rick Husband, William McCool, David Brown, Kalpana Chawla, Michael Anderson, Laurel Clark and Ilan Ramon.

... most of all, they should have come home.