Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Final Countdown

A week from Monday - that's the day
Apple should reveal new stuff
Then I'll be able to decide
Cause choosing what to buy is tough

But if there's nothing new to see
I'll head to Best Buy north of town
And take the best one I can get
Cause this dumb thing keeps shutting down!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Polar Bear Day

It's Polar Bear Day
So remember our friends
With their little black eyes
And white furry rear ends

They're perfectly fine
When the icy winds blow
And they'll frolic and play
In the cold northern snow

So think of the moral
These bears teach you, son,
When conditions seem worst
You can still have some fun

But one thing's for sure
And make no mistake
I won't take off my clothes
And jump in a lake!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Campfire Stories - Part 2

Still a work in progress - now I've got some base coloring in for the owls and the logs. Still more to come!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Nothing New

There's nothing tonight, despite all your howls
I've just been working on coloring owls

Monday, February 23, 2015

Remorseless Killing Machine

No time to sing, no time to dance,
Tonight I must go deal with ants!

The little monsters roam around
Inside my house! That's where they're found

But not for long, today I got
The stuff to kill them on the spot

And wipe out their whole colony
Their creepy, crawly family

And would I mourn? Of course not, I'd
Be happy in my ant-icide

So wish me luck, cause off I go
To vanquish my insectile foe!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Campfire Stories - Part 1

So over at deviant art, there's a forum (that I'm a member of) dedicated to pictures of owls. They're currently running a contest with the theme "Friendship (may as well be magic)" showing a moment of heartfelt companionship between two or more owls. I didn't want to do anything too mushy or sentimental, so I thought I'd go for a group of owl scouts hearing a scary story together around a campfire. Tonight's post is just the outline sketch - I'll be adding colors and shading (and, of course, the fire) later.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

World Pangolin Day 2015

Happy World Pangolin Day!

Click here to learn more about these elusive, solitary and nocturnal animals, including the sad fact that they're extremely endangered because they're the most heavily poached and trafficked mammal in the world.

Friday, February 20, 2015

No New Computer

No new computer
The same one I've had
Sometimes it acts okay
Sometimes it's bad

And soon I'll do taxes
Is the rebate enough
To pay off our card
And then buy other stuff?

Until then, I'll wait
Cause I really believe
That Apple could have
Something new up their sleeve

But when I eventually
Get something new
Informing you all
Is the first thing I'll do!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Today is another critical milestone in the history of aviation. On February 18, 1930, Elm Farm Ollie became the first cow to ever fly in an airplane. During her flight, she was also milked and the milk was sealed in paper containers and parachuted to the ground.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Please Stand By...

Near future posts, I'm sad to say
Might not be coming every day
They might be few and far between
As I fight my old machine
So bear with me, I beg of you
Until I purchase something new

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Save Our Software

And so, today, my laptop did
Another funny thing
A thing that signals changes
That the future soon may bring

As I sat here and surfed the net
It shut down on its own
But that's occurred before
And by itself won't make me moan

But then, while it was black and dead
A mournful tune it sounded
It played nine beeps - an SOS!
It left me quite astounded!

And so, while this one's served me well
And done it's job with honor
I think I need a new one soon
Cause this one is a goner!

(It actually started working again, but has been randomly turning itself off all evening. I'll wrap this up now before it shuts down again in mid-post! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!)

Friday, February 13, 2015

Date Night

It's late - I've been out all night long
Enjoying food and fun and song
And now there's one thing left to do
Wish happy Valentine's to you!

Okay, that's about as short and cheesy as it gets, but I really was out all evening enjoying a lovely time with my darling wife. This morning, she got an email about Guylenn, a fairly well-known French jazz singer, performing tonight at a local bed and breakfast. We just got back, and she was fantastic. It's a very small space, just enough room for the singer, a small piano and about a dozen tables for two. I highly recommend it to anyone - here's a link to the Facebook page.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Evolving Skills?

It's February 12, and you know what that means? That's right! Once again it's Darwin Day! For the last two years, I've drawn the same picture of Charles Darwin, hoping to see how (or if) my style or technique has improved or changed. Here's a link to the 2013 picture, and here's the one from last year. I don't think today's version is much better, but at least it took me far less time to draw!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Tonight I come to you to say
That with a fifteen-hour day
I've got no energy to play
And so I'll simply go away

Monday, February 9, 2015

Stay Tuned

Tonight I work on something else
So you must entertain yourself

And then tomorrow I'll return for
more, that's what my readers yearn for

Sunday, February 8, 2015


A friend that my daughter holds dear
Spent last night and today over here
Then we took her back home
Now I'm finally alone
And the silence sounds great to my ear

Saturday, February 7, 2015

A Quiet Day

There's nothing much for me to say
It's been a nice, relaxing day

And so, there's just one thing to add
That's "Happy Birthday" to my Dad

Friday, February 6, 2015

Rain Panda

Hey, little fella! Why don't you go inside where it's warm and dry? No? Okay, suit yourself.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A Whole Lot of Nothing

Today's "Create a Vacuum Day"
So put your stressful thoughts away

And any worries you might bring
In fact, get rid of everything

And life will be immensely fresher
When you don't have any pressure!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Tonight, for no apparent reason, I felt like drawing a bumblebee. (Maybe because someone's been buzzing around talking about me to strange people she meets in bars in Woodburn!)

Monday, February 2, 2015

A Fast Break

Today my darling wife and I
Are starting something new
A simple way for both of us
To shed a pound or two

It goes like this - you try to fast
For one entire day
And then the next day you can eat
Whatever comes your way

So far it's gone alright, although
There's one thing I find wrong
If this is known as "fasting"
Why does it take so long?

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Blue Octopus, Revisited

So here's the little blue octopus. Why so sad? I don't know. Maybe he's a Seahawks fan?