Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Last Limerick

All the sights this year now have been seen
And the things to do now all have been
So let's bid adieu
To the year we've been through
While we welcome two thousand fifteen

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Old Computer

It's old, it's slowing down a bit and the fix I tried yesterday didn't work. However, the diagnostic says there's nothing wrong with the main hardware, so I guess it'll just keep limping along for a little while longer. I figure the longer I can keep this one going, the more interesting its eventual replacement will be.

Monday, December 29, 2014


Computer problems still concern me
Now its memory is shot
I'll go replace it, then we'll find out
If it's fixed or if it's not

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Another Misadventure

There once was a cow who was spotty
Who had misadventures a lot-y
Like she once tried to ford
A small stream with a board
But fell in cause the thing was all rotty!

(Not much of a post tonight - I've been fighting with my computer which, after nearly 6 years of faithful service, is starting to get a bit cantankerous in its old age!)

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Vacation Days

Vacation days all run together
Seeming to go on forever
Is it Monday? I don't know
I think last Thursday there was snow
Perhaps that makes it Saturday
It's hard to tell - time slides away
But still, I'd better not complain
Cause soon I'll be at work again

Friday, December 26, 2014

Rhino Summit

And here's the other Christmas picture - this one drawn for my brother-in-law.  (If you've been paying attention, you might recognize the theme for this from a few days ago...)

Thursday, December 25, 2014

A Balloon!

Merry Christmas! This is one of the pictures I've been working on for the last few days (instead of putting much effort into these blog posts!) The original for this one (8" x 10", ink on cardstock, matted and framed) was given to my sister earlier today. Based on her reaction, I think it's a safe bet that she liked it.

Click to enlarge

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry (Almost) Christmas!

So Christmas is finally here
I wish you all health and good cheer
And on this Christmas Eve
I hope you receive
Enough joy to last all through next year!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Last Minute Wishes

Busy drawing
Busy wrapping
But this post
Has caught me napping

Look at the time
There's not a lot
I'm making this
Up on the spot

There's just one thing
That's left to do
Wish Merry Christmas
Eve to you!

(I literally remembered I hadn't posted anything today at 20 minutes to midnight. This took at most five minutes, as you can probably tell!)

Monday, December 22, 2014

Up The Mountain

This time of year, does anyone else feel like they're trudging up an increasingly-steep mountain? Don't worry, we're almost at the top! (And it's all downhill from there!)

Or is this instead a teaser for something else?

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Hard At Work?

Why another stupid poem
When I've got this time at home?
I should use my hands and head
Drawing something great instead
For my sister - could it be?
You'll just have to wait and see

Saturday, December 20, 2014


What would Christmas be without a friendly elf? (Aside from all the religious significance, of course.) Why, look! Here's one now!

Friday, December 19, 2014

A Well-Earned Reward

Today I headed back to work
Though weak, my team I'd not forsake
And now I can enjoy the perk
Of two full weeks of Christmas break!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Ray of Sunshine

Though I'm sick and the weather is gray
This one thought drives the sadness away:
That the new Star Wars flick
Is approaching real quick
And will open one year from today!

(Worse than normal? I can't tell! Blame the viruses, I'm going back to sleep!)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

More Ugh

Spotty and I have been spending most of the day sleeping.

There was one bit of excitement this evening, though, when we got a nice visit from two charming young ladies from Child Protective Services. Apparently someone saw the big teal eyepatch our youngest daughter has been wearing recently (to help strengthen the vision in her other eye) and decided that it must be there to cover up signs of abuse. We had a nice chat and I think they went away satisfied that nothing bad was going on. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


I just got back from the clinic
And guess what? I've got the flu!
I think I'll be going to bed soon
Admit it, you'd do the same, too.

(I actually have a doctor's note requiring me to stay home for the next couple of days, so I might have time to do some big, elaborate drawings - but I'll probably just be sleeping.)

Monday, December 15, 2014


So they modeled a little worm’s brain
Every neuron and synapse the same
Then they hooked up the lot
To a little robot
Made of Legos! Now ain’t that insane?!

(This is all true! Click here to read the article and see a video of the roboworm in action!!)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

It Runs In The Family

My daughter’s been wearing an eyepatch
It’s to strengthen the sight in one eye
But if anyone asks her about it
She thinks that it’s more fun to lie

Well, not lie quite so much, as embellish
When she’s asked why the eyepatch is worn
She’s responding, completely sincerely
“I was poked by a young unicorn!”

Which makes me, as a dad, when I hear her
Fabricate things with such smooth aplomb
Wonder where she got these inclinations
Then I realize, it must be from mom!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

Make A List

Yesterday I asked you all
What you might want from me
So far I’ve only heard the crickets
Chirping merrily

So here’s the deal, if you might want
A drawing as a gift
I need to know what sort of thing
Might give your heart a lift

And if you’d rather not reveal
Your wishes publicly
Just go online and send a good old
Email off to me

But if I don’t hear anything
It might just give me cause
To think there’s nothing that you want
From dear old Womas Claus

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Gift

It's a gift!

It's for YOU!!!

What's in it? I don't know.

(This is my way of requesting gift or drawing ideas. Have an idea what you want? You gotta ask for it!)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Teacher's Lament

A class like today’s makes me frown
Every kid seems to act like a clown
We could have so much fun
And we’d get so much done
If they’d simply shut up and sit down!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Seasons Greetings

Tomorrow, December 9, is Christmas Card Day. To help celebrate, here are a few verses for you to (not) include in your homemade cards this year.


For Christmas I got you a puppy
But it wouldn’t fit in the box
So I sold it and kept all the money
And bought you a cheap pair of socks


Happy Christmas, my old friend,
I hope it’s full of cheer
Enjoy the lovely snow and ice
And don’t fall on your rear


Though I pondered for many long minutes
I didn’t know what I should get
For you, for this holiday season
So guess what? You’re looking at it!


Poinsettias sure look so nice
A splash of color in the ice
It’s just too bad I’ve killed them dead
So here’s a ragged weed instead


Seasons Greetings to you and yours
(Except your wife, she really snores!)


In this holiday season
I wish you were here
Cause you ate all my chips
And you drank all my beer


Here’s hoping Santa brings you lots
Of special stuff, you kid!
Because you’re getting squat from me
Cause I know what you did!


Noses are red
Lips can be blue
Get out of the cold
Or you might catch the flu!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Nutcracker, Part 2

Here's the finished nutcracker from a couple of days ago that I know you've all been waiting anxiously for!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Recital

(My oldest daughter has been taking piano lessons, and today was her recital in a packed room with close to 100 people. She did very well, so today's post is for her. The finished nutcracker picture will come soon.)

My daughter faced her fears today
And played in her recital
She played a lovely little tune
(I don’t recall the title)

Regardless, she did very well
With parts both soft and louder
And from hard work came art and skill
I couldn’t be much prouder!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Nutcracker, Part 1

Tonight, my youngest daughter (and the Children's Choir she's a part of) sang for our local production of The Nutcracker. It's a pretty big deal and I'm very proud of her. She did one show tonight and will do two more tomorrow, so here's the first part of my Nutcracker drawing. The rest will be coming soon!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

All You Get

I’m sorry for this tiny post
I beg - don’t throw a fit
But I’m tired, sore and cranky
So this is all you get

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Take That, New York!

Tonight out in old NYC
They lit up their big Christmas tree
And though it looks chic
Mine’s been up for a week
So in this race the victor is me!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Emu Shoes

Today I met a new emu
There’s something strange about him
An old emu I knew wore shoes
But this one goes without ‘em

He said the rules call shoes taboo
And emus dare not flout ‘em
After review this seemed untrue
And so I had to doubt him

Into a rage this emu flew
With incoherent shoutin’
He then withdrew a block or two
And he’s still out there poutin'

Monday, December 1, 2014