Monday, December 8, 2014

Seasons Greetings

Tomorrow, December 9, is Christmas Card Day. To help celebrate, here are a few verses for you to (not) include in your homemade cards this year.


For Christmas I got you a puppy
But it wouldn’t fit in the box
So I sold it and kept all the money
And bought you a cheap pair of socks


Happy Christmas, my old friend,
I hope it’s full of cheer
Enjoy the lovely snow and ice
And don’t fall on your rear


Though I pondered for many long minutes
I didn’t know what I should get
For you, for this holiday season
So guess what? You’re looking at it!


Poinsettias sure look so nice
A splash of color in the ice
It’s just too bad I’ve killed them dead
So here’s a ragged weed instead


Seasons Greetings to you and yours
(Except your wife, she really snores!)


In this holiday season
I wish you were here
Cause you ate all my chips
And you drank all my beer


Here’s hoping Santa brings you lots
Of special stuff, you kid!
Because you’re getting squat from me
Cause I know what you did!


Noses are red
Lips can be blue
Get out of the cold
Or you might catch the flu!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a choice. I just can't decide which one to use on my card this year.
