Wednesday, December 17, 2014

More Ugh

Spotty and I have been spending most of the day sleeping.

There was one bit of excitement this evening, though, when we got a nice visit from two charming young ladies from Child Protective Services. Apparently someone saw the big teal eyepatch our youngest daughter has been wearing recently (to help strengthen the vision in her other eye) and decided that it must be there to cover up signs of abuse. We had a nice chat and I think they went away satisfied that nothing bad was going on. 


  1. I guess it's good that they check on things but I can't help wondering who on earth called Child Protective Services. Do you want me to go beat them up?
    Poor Spotty looks pretty rough. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  2. Spotty looks miserable, I guess it's ok if you two rest and recover.
