Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Spotty Jedi

With the recent official announcement that the original cast are coming back for Star Wars Episode VII, I thought it might be the right time to bring back another old friend. Too bad she doesn't have opposable thumbs...

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Today was a very busy day. At work we're hosting about 15 other teachers from around the country who are learning how to use the new version of the CAD software that makes up a large part of our program, and my co-teacher is part of the class, leaving me to teach our current class all by myself. Additionally,  I got everything ready for her after school program and then went with her to help teach it. But then, as something fun for the visiting teachers, we arranged to have an evening out at our baseball stadium in town. It was a good chance to meet some of the other teachers, but I didn't end up getting home until nearly 10:00. So here are some quick sketches of baseball players, now I'm going to go crash.

Monday, April 28, 2014

A Shrew in Peru

Tomorrow promises to be a very busy day and I want to be well rested, so this ridiculous thing is all you get tonight. Enjoy!

On a pungent plateau in Peru
A silky shrew sat in a shoe
He had a hard hat
And a brown baseball bat
And his aunt was allit’rative, too!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Winner Winner!

Although yesterday's questions were more in the rhetorical vein, we nonetheless have a winner! Here's your prize (I hope you like dark meat - it's easier to draw!)

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Three guesses what I got to do today for the very first time this year. (Bonus! Can you guess which season I almost found myself missing just a little?)

Friday, April 25, 2014

Penguin Dreams

Happy World Penguin Day, everyone! Here's a (terrible) poem to celebrate it!

Penguins of the world, unite!
Penguins of the world, take flight!

No, wait, don’t take that as it seems
I mean, take flight, like ‘live your dreams’

Because I know you guys can’t fly
You just look silly when you try

Oh great, I’ve gone and made it worse
This foot in mouth is like a curse

Cause when encouragement I give
I just wind up insensitive

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Today, in honor of St. George's Day, I thought it only fitting that I doodle some dragons.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day, one and all!
Happy Earth Day, big and small!

Today we celebrate the Earth
The lovely planet of our birth

With rivers running to the seas
And palm trees swaying in a breeze

The mountains and the canyons, too
The golden grains, the sky so blue

Yes, I love all of nature’s sights
And multitudinous delights

Therefore to keep it nice and clean
So all the plants grow lush and green

I must suggest this simple plan
That every woman, every man

Pack up their stuff and leave this place
Climb on a rocket, move to space

Perhaps move to the moon or Mars
Or board a spaceship to the stars

We’ll boldly go with joy and mirth
And let the meek inherit Earth

Monday, April 21, 2014

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Here's a quick Easter limerick! Enjoy!

It’s Easter! Goodbye winter’s gloom!
We’ll hide colorful eggs in each room
Then eat candy and ham
While we hang with the fam
And it’s thanks to that old empty tomb

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Crossing Over - Finally Done!

Here it is! The long-awaited 2014 update to my old 1983 drawing, "Crossing Over on the Rocks". In case you've forgotten, this is what the original looks like:

And here's the new and updated version. It's still not exactly the way I want it, but it's done for now. Maybe I'll go back and redo it again in another 30 years!

Friday, April 18, 2014


By request, some turtles to follow up the snails from a few days ago.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


It's movie night! So what did we choose for the big screen entertainment tonight? The ever-classic "The Goonies"! Here's a quick tribute to One-Eyed Willie, now I'm going to get back to the show.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Tonight, snails, for no other reason than I felt like drawing something swooshy and swirly!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Stargazer's Lament

Early this morning, a wondrous view
The full moon eclipsed with a ruby red hue
And what did I think as I witnessed this sight?
Not a thing, cause of course it was cloudy all night!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Snowy Cabin

It's snowing. Again. I'm getting pretty tired of it, so here's a quick 10 minute sketch - that's all it really deserves.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Tax Time

Doing my taxes and staying up late
Filed my Federal, working on State
While CPA’s seem to be loving this date
Here are some things that I really do hate:

The 1040 form, whether A or EZ
The W-2 and the Schedule B

Adding up those deductions can get a bit rough
And when we’re all done the sum’s still not enough

Now go find the greater of this line or that
Then subtract and you’re back where you just started at

What’s up with those tables? The print is so small
I can’t tell if I chose the right number at all

But at least there’s a refund to wrap up this day
Till that old audit comes and they take it away

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Grilled Cheese

Happy National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day, everyone! (It's also Walk on Your Wild Side Day, but since a grilled cheese sandwich is about the extent of my wild side, I figure I'm good with just this picture tonight...)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Peckaroo Poem

A peckaroo pecked at a stick
It’s head moved incredibly quick
From it’s pouch there rang out
A forlorn little shout
Saying, “Mommy, I’m getting seasick!”

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


It's been a very long, very busy day and I don't want to stay up all night, so once again I've turned to the Random Animal Generator. Tonight you get a Peckaroo, and I get to go to bed somewhat early (as soon as my laundry comes out of the dryer and I finish washing the dishes).

Monday, April 7, 2014

Crossing Over - Colored Teaser

Still not done - there's far more detail in this picture than I anticipated. So here's a preview - a close up to give an idea of what the final product will look like...

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Coloring Trees

All afternoon long, I’ve been coloring trees
And I sure aim to please, when I’m coloring trees
But I’m still far from done, so I’m down on my knees
And I’m begging you, please, to be patient with these
Short delays - I need time - and I don’t mean to tease
I have no expertise and make no guarantees
And if you’re upset, I will try to appease
You, but now I’ll continue with coloring trees

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Crossing Over - Line Art

Here's the line art (so far) for the new version of yesterday's picture. More to come...

(Again, I don't know why it made the background gray. It's currently white, but will soon be far more colorful.)

Friday, April 4, 2014

Crossing Over on the Rocks

It's Flashback Friday! Today let's take a journey back to October(ish) 1983 when I was the ripe old age of 12. Recently I was looking through an old file of school papers and found a fantastic picture I drew. I've been working on an updated version of it, but it's nowhere near done yet so tonight you'll have to make do with the original. I might actually end up redoing this scene in a variety of styles, we'll see.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Song of the Seahostrich

If you find yourself swimming way out in the sea
And there’s nothing ‘tween you and the land
Just duck your head under, perhaps you will see
Something there that you can’t understand

At first it might look like a feathery bird
With long legs and a willowy neck
But then you see fins and that tail, so absurd
And those googly eyes, what the heck?

What you see’s a Seahostrich, that magical beast
It’s a mixture of fishes and fowls
It can speed through the sea like a rocket that’s greased
It’s so fast it will loosen your bowels

So hop on, take a ride on this maritime mare
You can frolic through current and wave
But remember, you must be polite and take care
Cause he’ll throw you if you misbehave!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Stego Sketch

For a while I've been wanting to try drawing in the style of black and white pencils on brown paper to get the more contrast-y sketchy look. Here's my first attempt - a goofy stegosaurus.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Lightning

Just a quick one tonight - I spent most of the evening at a lovely family dinner at my mom's. Looking through some old pictures with my sister reminded me of an April first from long ago, when I was probably around 7. My dad came into the room and told me there was a surprise for me on the dining room table. I said something like, "Yeah, right. April Fool's - ha ha!"but he said, "No, really. Go look." So eventually I went to check it out, and there it was! My very own, very first plastic airplane model kit! It was that classic WWII fighter, the Lockheed P-38 Lightning. To this day, it's still my favorite airplane. Here's a very rough sketch that does not do it justice.