Sunday, December 29, 2013

Rainbow Turtle

Tonight I'm trying a new technique. I started by doodling a big, swirly block of color, imported it into Photoshop to add some additional textures and change the colors, then saved each color/texture block as a separate picture file. Then I drew a turtle. Finally I imported the colors, one by one, starting with the back layer and erasing all the parts that I didn't want to have that color. This is how it turned out:

Not too bad for a first try, if I do say so myself. It almost looks a little stained-glass-window-y. But then I hid the layer with the black lines and got this:

Not quite as much detail, and more emphasis on the colors. I think it looks a little Eric Carle-esque, which is never a bad thing. 

P.S. - Don't forget to vote in the new poll to the right! You've only got 2 more days to make your voice heard!

1 comment:

  1. i voted yesterday. I like the first turtle best. I'm toying with an idea for a children's story. Would you like to illustrate it for me?
