Thursday, December 19, 2013

Never Happy

(Note: this is not necessarily true, it's just a goofy poem for a chilly winter evening.)

Outside the world is bleak and gray
As raindrops melt the snow away 
Another cold December day
It’s such a slushy sight

But in my head, a different scene
A summer evening, cool and clean
With lightning bugs, all yellow-green
Cavorting in the night

While all around me, giant trees
Cast piney odors on the breeze
A campfire is sure to please
With warm and friendly light

But if, in real life, I was there
I’m sure I’d hate the humid air
Imagine bugs up in my hair
Preparing now to bite

And then I’d dream of winter snow
Where crystals glitter as they blow
The icicles all dangle low
A world pristine and white

So as I sit with furrowed brow
I think, perhaps, I should allow
The world that’s all around me now
To fill me with delight

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