Monday, December 9, 2013

Minion Art Through The Ages

It's finally done! Click the image to see it full-sized!

Here's the included caption:
From the first cave minions crudely recording their hunts on a rock face, through the Egyptian and Roman eras where leaders were worshiped as near-deities, to the paintings and inventions of the Renaissance, Minions have played an unsung but critical role in the history of art. In the modern age they might be constrained to more basic tasks, such as painting a Temporal Vortex Machine,  but of course their natural curiosity still drives them to new discoveries.

Update - after submitting, I was able to look through some of the other pictures. It's going to be a tough contest. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I love it, Lots of subtle (or not so subtle) humor. It should be a winner!
