Saturday, November 30, 2013

Putting Up the Tree

Thanksgiving is done
  Black Friday is, too
There was just one more thing
  That we needed to do
To get ready for Christmas
  (Oh, what could it be?)
We hauled out the boxes
  And put up the tree

We put up the lights
  And we plugged them all in
The sparkling glow
  Made the family grin
We hung all the ornaments
  Homemade and not
We covered it all
  Without one empty spot

Now the girls are in bed
  And my wife is as well
But I sit and I bask
  In the Christmas tree’s spell
I’ll turn it off soon
  And call it a night
But not yet, cause I love
  All that color and light

Friday, November 29, 2013


By popular request (i.e. - being reminded repeatedly) here's a pangolin about to enjoy a large plate of pancakes. This is just a still image - hopefully I'll get it animated in the near future...

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Purple Pangolin

Happy Thanksgiving! After dinner tonight, my sister requested a new background screen for her phone. She happened to see this picture I drew back in 2007 and wanted it, but it was just a line drawing - so I added color, a background and a ladybug. Now I need to go slip into a turkey-induced coma...

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Holiday Card 2

Another day, another card. The text inside this one says:

For you, these
little puffins raise
Their hopes for
happy holidays!

Here's the front picture:

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Holiday Card 1

Over at deviantart, they've started a new project involving holiday cards. (Get all the details here.) Basically, anyone who wants to can create one or more holiday cards and mail it to them by December 16, and they'll pass them out to as many hospital patients as they can. Here's the front of my first one. I'll probably make some more and then send them all in a single package - if anyone else wants to make some, I'd be happy to include them with mine.

Inside text: May your days be merry and bright!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Drawtober Recap

The Drawtober challenge was fun
But sadly, those drawings are done
They chose the top tier
Then posted them here
And just look at the very top one!

(Spoiler - it's my Rain Station picture! I'm completely blown away, especially considering how good a lot of the other submissions are. If the above link doesn't work, go to this address:

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Take My Hand

Another drawing from the archives - this one from 2000.  The original is a pencil sketch on a 3x5 card.

Take my hand and come with me
Into the future, we will see
If dreams of youth will still come true
Or if you'll fail in what you do
Regardless, if you never go
You'll never try and never know

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday Night Football

Through ability, karma or fate
Bishop Dwenger has scored thirty eight
While old East Chicago
Scored a whopping zero
Which means Dwenger is going to state!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dino Days

Have you ever had one of those days when you just feel like drawing a bunch of cartoony dinosaurs...

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Red Panda Dreams

Red panda, way up in your tree
Red panda, looking down at me

From on your perch, so high above
I wonder what you’re thinking of

Do you dream of running free
To soar the skies or sail the sea?

Perhaps great fortune is your goal
To buy your very own atoll?

Or do you lust for worldwide fame
While paparazzi scream your name

Do you want to take a cruise?
Or hide away like Howard Hughes?
Be Sherlock Holmes and find some clues
While you peruse the daily news?
Please share your views on what you choose!

He shuts his eyes and starts to snooze

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Red Panda

Tonight, a request from my younger daughter. She's doing a project at school on red pandas and she asked me to draw her a picture of one...

Monday, November 18, 2013

Walter Tell

Happy William Tell Day! On November 18, 1307, William Tell was forced to shoot an apple off the head of his son Walter with his crossbow for insulting a local noble. He succeeded and ended up leading a rebellion against the noble.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


I'll admit it, I didn't put quite as much effort into yesterday's post as I have for some others. To make up for it, tonight I went back to the basics - good old ink on 5x7 cardstock. I chose an octopus to draw because they have interesting shapes and skin textures, and they're generally awesome!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Dreaming of Home

Today we took a road trip to Indianapolis. It went very well and we made it back home safely, but now I'm tired and not feeling like starting a big project - so here's something I've been meaning to do for a while. I want to post some of my old sketches from years ago so just in case something happens (like a giant sinkhole swallows the entire house and I lose all the original drawings) I'll at least have some record of them. However, since this does not technically count as a new drawing, I'm going to add a little poem to each one. Tonight, a picture from 2005 and a haiku...

Astronaut on Mars
Lives his dream yet finds himself
Now dreaming of home

Friday, November 15, 2013

I Love To Write Day

A day when words and phrases play
And if you write them down, you’ll see
Your nouns all verb so adverbly
Your similes and metaphors
Pull back the shades, throw open doors
So, unconfined, your thoughts escape
And just might leave the world agape

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

National Pickle Day

Posting this tonight so you can be properly prepared for a full day of celebrations tomorrow!

On November 14th of each year
Comes a day full of sweetness and cheer
So don’t be a pill
Grab your license to dill
Cause it’s National Pickle Day here!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Happy Birthday, Little Sis!

Today is my little sister's birthday! Happy Birthday! I won't say how old she is, but today is a big one. I gave her a card tonight at a family dinner. From her reaction, I think she liked it. Here's the front:

And here's the inside - it folds open from the top:

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Newtown Pippins!

Today’s the day I’ve dreamed of
For at least a dozen years
I found some Newtown Pippins
At the farmer’s market here!

It’s my favorite kind of apple
And they’re really hard to find
I tried one in Seattle
And it almost blew my mind

It’s tart like apple cider
And it’s just a little sweet
And even old George Washington
Grew orchards of this treat

But since I had that first one
I’ve been looking for some more
But as a heirloom apple
They’re not sold in any store

I even tried to grow one
In our little backyard here
I bought the tree and planted it
It didn’t last a year

So this morning when I found them
Well, it really made my day
And so I think I’ll end this poem
And eat one right away

Friday, November 8, 2013

Return of the Monsters!

Yup, once again not a lot of time to draw so I went with another page of monsters. I think I have a pretty good excuse, though. Tonight our youngest daughter is staying overnight with a friend, so we decided it was time to give our oldest daughter "The Talk". Now that I think about it, maybe a picture of some birds and bees would have been fitting...

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Would it be rude
Or misconstrued
To make a case that ‘pulchritude’
Has been imbued
With meaning you’d
Not expect it to exude

It sounds so lewd
So crass and crude
You might expect it to allude
To nasty food
That’s being chewed
At least that’s what I might conclude

Perhaps a mood
Depressed, subdued,
Where sordid thoughts always intrude
You mope and brood
Your attitude
Makes you a most unhappy dude

Yet ‘pulchritude’
If truth’s pursued
Means beauty bold and ballyhooed
Like hair, shampooed
Or dawn renewed
Extremely pleasing when it’s viewed

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Grim Beaker

So, I've been wanting to do a picture of Beaker from the Muppet Show for a while, but I wanted it to be unusual somehow. Tonight I did a quick search for words that rhyme with or sound like 'beaker', and the word 'reaper' was on the list. Of course, that naturally led to this...

Monday, November 4, 2013


On November 4, 1922, Howard Carter and George Herbert discovered the tomb of King Tut. Today a news report (promoting an upcoming documentary) claims he died because of a chariot accident and a botched embalming job caused his corpse to spontaneously combust! It's stained glass-style just because I felt like it.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Cave

Yesterday I enjoyed using a simplified color scheme so much that I thought I'd try it again. This time I'm catching up with a drawing challenge from last month - the cave of your imagination. As I envision it, the cave of my imagination would be vast, but not dark. There would be many layers, nooks and crannies to explore, filled with countless shining ideas - some, of course, brighter than others. Some of these ideas could be arrived at easily while others would take some effort to reach. A persistent fog would also be present, sometimes almost transparent and revealing spectacular vistas while other times so thick that you wonder if there are any ideas left at all. Luckily with time and dedication, the fog will always eventually clear.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Prime Meridian

Happy Prime Meridian Day! In honor of the spirit of exploration this represents, I'm trying something a little different today. I wanted to try drawing a picture with only 5 shades of the same basic color (lighter to darker), plus white. This is what I came up with...