Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Shutdown, Day 1

I should have been leading a classroom today
It’s the end of our class, and I don’t mean to grouch
But a nice graduation where videos play
Was cancelled, instead I sat home on the couch

We should have been mapping and seeing the planes
And building a circuit board out of some shapes
But the government’s yanked on our old funding reins
Where there should have been honey there’s now sour grapes

And I get why they argue and put on their show
The House says, “We won’t fund this law, it’s just dumb”
Then the Senate replies with a petulant “No!”
In the meantime I’m squashed under government’s thumb

So tomorrow another class misses the end
And the kids for the rest of the week go without
Their program finale, while I will just spend
All my time on my couch ‘til they sort it all out

(Note: The program where I work is funded through the Department of Defense, so we're not allowed to go to work or have any of our student groups come in as long as this shutdown continues. Since our schedule is full for the entire school year, I don't know when or if these kids will get to make up their missed program days. Won't somebody think of the children!)

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