Thursday, October 24, 2013

National Crazy Day

Today is National Crazy Day! Here's a little limerick to celebrate:

Let’s go out and dance with a cow
Or take a slow boat to Macao
Put on a bee beard
Or do something else weird
Cause it’s National Crazy Day now!

I know it's pretty brief, but I'm trying something new. Two nights ago, I really got caught up in drawing the cyborg superhero picture and I ended up staying up past 2:00 AM on a work night. I was a wreck the next day, so last night I made myself go to bed at 11:00. I can tell you, I feel worlds better today. So at the expense of some deep and meaningful poetry (which I've never been accused of writing anyway), I came up with this little thing and now I'll go do some dishes and head off to bed. Crazy, I know, but that's the way I roll!

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