Thursday, January 31, 2013


The weather has been all over the place recently - highs around 60 F two days ago, down in the teens today. The thaws led to puddles all over the place.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ode to a Salami Sandwich

Ode to a Salami Sandwich

I got home late
And could not eat
My dinner with my family

And so I ate
A meaty treat
That satisfied a hungry me

Some nutty bread
Whole grain, no doubt,
To live a slightly healthy life

And then I spread
The mayo out
On both the pieces with a knife

Then cut the cheese 
(No, not like that!)
It’s gouda, with its waxy rind

Salami, please!
It’s full of fat
And salt and meat bits all entwined

I stacked the meat
I stacked it thick
I smashed it flat with all my might

And though this treat
Might make me sick
I’m loving every single bite

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


This morning on the way to work, a raccoon waddled across the road right in front of the car. So, here's a raccoon!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Remembering, Part 2 - STS-51L

In memory of Dick Scobee, Michael Smith, Ellison Onizuka, Judy Resnik, Ron McNair, Greg Jarvis and Christa McAuliffe.

... they should have reached orbit...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Remembering, Part 1 - Apollo 1

In memory of Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee.

They should have launched...

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Peeking at Potatoes

Today's post is based on an actual exchange I overheard between my wife and my 8 year old daughter this afternoon.

Peeking at Potatoes

My girl asked my wife to come see
What those things on potatoes could be
She said, “Those are called eyes”
And my daughter replies
“Well they’re certainly staring at me!”

Friday, January 25, 2013

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Umm... thanks?

This is a true story. My wife and I got a good laugh out of it and since today is National Compliment Day I thought it fit perfectly.


Last night in the car we were driving around
When my wife said a curious thing
It was meant as a compliment, I’m pretty sure
But it came with an odd little sting

“You’re awesome,” she said, which is great by itself,
But she added a bit to the end
“For you.” she continued, which took me aback
Though I don’t think she meant to offend

“You’re awesome, for you.” What the heck could that mean?
Does it mean that I’m great when alone?
But when she compares me to anyone else
Then my glory is quickly outshone?

But then she explained that the traits that I have
And the things I can do I do well
And the things that I can’t do don’t matter as much
And in general I’m pretty swell

So I can’t throw a football or cook a soufflé
And I often misplace stuff of mine
But when I’m a husband or teacher or dad
“You’re awesome, for you!” will do fine!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Tonight, I felt like drawing a dinosaur. This is styracosaurus. It lived about 76.5-75 million years ago and was about 18 feet (5.5 meters) long and 6 feet (1.8 meters) tall.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

It's Cold!

It’s cold
The sun is low but bright
It’s cold
But there’s no heat, just light
It’s cold!
The wind rips every shred of heat and warmth out of my breath

It’s cold
My tears freeze in my eyes
It’s cold
My pant legs chill my thighs
It’s cold!
And everything lies huddled, hiding from an icy death

It’s cold
The wind chill’s twelve below
It’s cold
My poor old car won’t go
It’s cold!
I bundle up in layers, wrapped up like a kid again

It’s cold
With sunset darkness falls
It’s cold
And winter’s starfield sprawls
It’s cold!
In blazing glory ‘cross the heavens, oh I love it when

It’s cold!

Gas Giant

If I don't get to see views like this in real life, at least I can see them in my drawings.

(Note: I didn't get this scanned and posted until after midnight, but I completed the drawing on Jan. 21 so in my mind at least this counts as the Monday entry.)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pangolin on a Stump

I've always loved pangolins - those adorable little walking pinecones! In fact, a pangolin with glasses and a pencil (kind of like me) was one of the first pictures posted to this blog, way back in September, 2010. So I was very excited when I found a very nice photo essay all about them. I did a quick sketch, but you can see them in all their full-color glory over at

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Walrus Family

It's a lazy Saturday. We didn't get a lot done today, but it was a great day for napping. This walrus family seems to sum it up pretty well.

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Filling

Today I helped interview 4 people for a job opening at work, presented a science show to a bunch of kids at a local hospital and topped it all off with a trip to the dentist to have a cavity filled. I started thinking this poem up while lying on the chair.

The Filling

I have a stick inside my cheek
It makes it rather hard to speak
There’s something on it meant to kill the pain

I have a needle in my gums
It’s making half my face go numb
I wonder if I’ll feel my tongue again

I have a drill inside my tooth
And honestly, to tell the truth,
I hope the dentist knows just what to do

And now they’re packing something in
I arch my neck and drop my chin
To make it easier to spread the goo

They’re polishing the filling smooth
And matching every lump and groove
So once again I have a normal bite

And now with ninety dollars less
A long day’s done and I’ll confess
I’m so glad to be back at home tonight

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lego Astronaut

Is there anything better than Lego Classic Space? (Hint: the correct answer is "no")

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Brazilian Treehopper

This wacky thing is a real insect, the Brazilian Treehopper (Bocydium globulare). To me he looks like he might be saying something like "Why won't anyone love me?" or maybe "Hull-low! My eyes are down here!"

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Into the Black

The title of this drawing refers to two things. First, it's the X-15 rocket plane, which was all black (most of the time, except for when it was white or pink) and traveled to the fringes of space. Second, in terms of drawing, I'm working on getting past my tendency to leave things outlined or pale, so I did a picture filled with black.

Monday, January 14, 2013

A Shocking Revelation

Here's a little something based on current events that I just submitted to the limerick contest. Seeing as how nobody's reading this blog, I don't think I'm giving anything away by posting it here, too.

In a tale of pro cycling woe
Doping brought down a mighty hero
But one detail I find
Really frazzles my mind
Who knew Oprah still had her own show?

Update: Sun. Jan. 20, 2013 - I was selected as one of the weekly winners! This goofy little thing is published over at!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Saturday, January 12, 2013


I got a new pen tonight - a Pilot Varsity. It's a disposable fountain pen and it's pretty nice. I'd prefer it if it had a finer point, but the ink is nice and black. Anyway, I used it to draw some monsters.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Teacher's Lament

I do not want to write today
I've had a grueling day at work
I try to teach my students, they
Just want to fight and go berserk

I teach them science, teach them math
So they can get ahead in life
But soon my joy turns into wrath
Cause they're intent on causing strife

I give my all when standing there
Presenting lessons I've created
But they won't focus, they don't care
I swear they all should be sedated

Perhaps my dad was right, it seems
My life's one of those epic fails
I think I should give up my dreams
Of teaching math to killer whales

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Exhibition, Part 4 - Burrow Owl

I drew this one a few years ago, intending to give it to my sister as a Christmas present, but it ended up looking a little too intense. Instead I kept it for myself. In case you're wondering about the background, it's supposed to be a slope covered in rocks and dirt, not a raging snowstorm. Everybody knows the burrow owl lives in a hole in the ground.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Darling Quokka

I was still thinking about quokkas when this dumb little rhyme started coalescing in my mind. Sorry.

The Darling Quokka

Yesterday at 8 o'clocka
I was going on a walka
When I got a sudden shocka
I beheld a darling quokka

It was sitting on a rocka
Near a river, by a docka
Suddenly, a giant crocka-
Dile jumped at darling quokka

At that moment, old Chewbacca
Moving faster than a jocka
Grabbed the croc in a headlocka
And he rescued darling quokka

This was witnessed by a flocka
Paparazzi on the docka
After taking time to gawka
They took pictures of the quokka

Now he's famous, like Sherlocka,
Captain Kirk or Mr. Spocka
Even President Baracka
Loves my darling little quokka

Monday, January 7, 2013


Look! It's a quokka! I just found out about this little groundhog/koala/kangaroo thing earlier today and I had to try drawing it. This one has a leaf!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Exhibition, Part 3 - Dreaming of Home

So today was the big opening for the art show. I had some nice compliments, but more than one were more along the lines of "Wow, who knew you had that kind of talent?" Anyway, here's one of my favorite drawings from a few years ago that I included in the show.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Stupid Emerald Ash Borers

Some disgusting green bugs from the east
Had my two big old trees for a feast
They got chopped down today
Now my yard's bare and gray
No, I don't like those bugs in the least!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Turtle Bridge

Here's a simple sketch I did a few days ago. My first new drawing for 2013.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Exhibition, Part 2 - Penguin Party

Here's my second entry into the art show. I drew this one as a Christmas present for my niece this year - I hope she doesn't mind that I took it back for a couple months to put on display.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Exhibition, Part 1 - Terra Nova

Today I handed over 8 of my drawings for exhibition in our church's 42nd Parish Art Show. It's pretty exciting. I'll post scans over the next few days. Here's the first. It's a sketch I did about a week ago, based on a 1911 photo from the ill-fated Scott expedition to the Antarctic showing the ship Terra Nova in the distance through the mouth of an ice cave.

(Here's a link to the original image with a little extra info. Too bad I haven't been able to find it in English!)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Resolution

I do not smoke
I rarely drink
I bathe enough so I don't stink

I like my job
Enjoy my life
I love my children and my wife

So what should I
Resolve to do
As we leave two-oh-one-two?

Oh, here's a plan
That gives me chills
I should improve my drawing skills

And work on writing
Better verse
('Cause really it can't get much worse!)

And so I'll post
A drawing here
Or poem every day this year

So with this one
We'll start the show
Three hundred sixty four to go