Thursday, January 24, 2013

Umm... thanks?

This is a true story. My wife and I got a good laugh out of it and since today is National Compliment Day I thought it fit perfectly.


Last night in the car we were driving around
When my wife said a curious thing
It was meant as a compliment, I’m pretty sure
But it came with an odd little sting

“You’re awesome,” she said, which is great by itself,
But she added a bit to the end
“For you.” she continued, which took me aback
Though I don’t think she meant to offend

“You’re awesome, for you.” What the heck could that mean?
Does it mean that I’m great when alone?
But when she compares me to anyone else
Then my glory is quickly outshone?

But then she explained that the traits that I have
And the things I can do I do well
And the things that I can’t do don’t matter as much
And in general I’m pretty swell

So I can’t throw a football or cook a soufflĂ©
And I often misplace stuff of mine
But when I’m a husband or teacher or dad
“You’re awesome, for you!” will do fine!

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