Monday, November 8, 2010

A Test

Here's a little poem I wrote late last night/early this morning while testing a new app to sync documents between my Mac and iPod using DropBox. It started with just the first two lines but then kind of took on a life of its own. (And the test worked just fine, if you were wondering.)

This is a test
This is only a test
So just go back to bed
And return to your rest.

I'm sure you'll be safe
And I'm sure you'll be fine
And I'm sure while you're sleeping
I won't cross the line

Between what's acceptable
And what just is not
Except on occasion
When things get too hot

Cause then I might call out
The guns and the tanks
And when you awaken
I'm sure you'll say thanks

But I'm sure that's unlikely
I've prepped and I've planned.
My experiments surely
Won't get out of hand

Cause what could go wrong
With combining the genes
Of a zombified yeti
With alien beings

Then giving that thing
An electrical suit
That has ten robot arms
And eight lasers to boot

I just didn't want him
Feeling timid or sad
Or worried or anxious
Or in any way bad

Whoops, did I say "didn't"?
That's doesn't make sense
I meant to say "wouldn't"
You know, future tense

Cause if I already
Had done it you see
There's a very slight chance
He'd escape and run free

And then we would have to
Sound all the alarms
And we'd mobilize troops
And we'd issue them arms

Then there might be a battle
A terrible row
Sounding similar to
What you're hearing right now

But if that ever happened
I'd have surely confessed
But it didn't, no sir,
This is only a test!

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