Monday, March 15, 2021

 Welcome to the old, original Doodles and Doggerel blog. I started this as a way to force myself into creativity, by posting a new poem or drawing every day. I was able to keep at it with hundreds of posts over many years, but then it just sort of fizzled out. However, I've always liked the concept so now I'm bringing it back in a more social way. 

For the new Doodles & Doggerel, I won't be posting every day. Instead, since it's Doodles AND Doggerel (as opposed to Doodles OR Doggerel) I'll be writing a new poem and making an accompanying picture. Then I'll combine them both into a short video clip where I read the poem while you watch the image being drawn.

The video will be posted on both Twitter and YouTube at the following links. Make sure to like, subscribe and retweet!

Twitter - 

YouTube -

Thanks for visiting! Enjoy looking around.

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