Saturday, April 9, 2016

PoSSUM - Day 2

I have the feeling this will be the first of many long days. Up at 6:30, breakfast, then over to start a day full of lectures and briefings. That would have been enough, but then we had a couple more hours getting an overview of the flight simulator. It looks very nice.  I didn't have a chance to get in it today, but I watched the procedures over the shoulders of a few other students, so I'm starting to understand the flow of the mission. I should get my chance to try it out, dressed in a full, real spacesuit, on Monday morning. Then a bit of a break for dinner and back to Embry-Riddle for our evening activity - a very interesting panel discussion about the intersections of science and art. It featured the PoSSUM lead scientist, two astronauts, a neuroscientist who now runs a nonprofit student space art competition and an underwater performance artist from Australia. Now I'm finally back in my room. It's nearly 11:00 and we need to be up and ready to hop on the bus tomorrow morning at 6:30 to go get the oxygen sucked out of our brains. Wish me luck!

The science side of the simulator

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having an incredible time. You can always sleep later.
