Today I had to say goodbye
My little car just got too old
And so, despite the times we've had
I took it in, and now it's sold
Ah yes, those times, they were so good
Like driving in to work each day
And then back home, where it would stop
In the garage, where it would stay
For eight long years it took me forth
And back and forth and back again
And in that time it gained some quirks
That popped up every now and then
Quirks like a wobbly back end
Providing me a chance to feel
A sense of wonder as I though
If I was gonna lose a wheel
The dashboard lights would sometimes pulse
The headlights pointed different ways
And though I might not see at night
They seemed alright during the days
Beneath the hood, something would leak
And leave a puddle on the floor
I thought the leak was just one thing
Surprise! In fact there's several more!
The engine, rough and grumbly,
Was also an exciting part
Cause every time I turned the key
I wondered whether it would start
So last week, in to get repairs
The service people took the keys
They looked it over, then they said
"Two thousand dollars, if you please"
To fix a '97 car?
That figure seemed ridiculous
And though it pained my wife and me
Our only choice was obvious
We traded it for something newer
(That will be another rhyme)
So here's to you, my old, gold car
You served me, well, most of the time
So touching, sniff. Welcome back. I was beginning to think you were done with blogging.