Saturday, July 5, 2014

Downy Woodpecker

So today, I was out in the backyard, sitting in a lounge chair under a big, shady maple tree, reading a book. It sounds good until you realize I was out there in the middle of mowing the lawn when the mower died and wouldn't start up again. The only thing I've found that gets it going again is giving it some time to cool down and relax. Usually I just let it sit overnight and then finish up the next day, but I already did that yesterday!

Anyway, as I'm sitting under the tree, I look up and there's this cute little woodpecker hopping around in the branches above me. It turns out she was a downy woodpecker, a fairly common species but still fun to watch. Of course tonight I had to try sketching it.

(If you're wondering, the mower did eventually start and I was able to finish the lawn. Of course, that cleared the way for a humiliating defeat in a family game of petanque this evening.)

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