Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Test Panda

This is a test. Hopefully, you'll see a panda enjoying a little bamboo snack.

Edit: It looks like it worked. I got a new device for Christmas and used it to draw the panda. The big issue was figuring out a way to post it to this blog directly without having to use my laptop at all.

Monday, December 26, 2016


And the drawing for my younger daughter, who always wants to go stargazing (usually right around the time when I tell her to start getting ready for bed).


Here's the one for my Minecraft-loving older daughter.

Banana Two, Standing By

And here's the one for my nephew.  He likes Star Wars and monkeys (who doesn't), so of course I had to combine the two...

Getting Pretty

It's the day after Christmas! That means I can finally post the pictures I gave away as presents this year (without ruining the surprise).  This one was for my niece, who likes snails.