Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ham and Bean Soup

Today at church my mom was selling her ham & bean soup for a fundraiser. Of course I had to get some for lunch, and it was so good it inspired me to write a little song. Due to potential copyright concerns, I can neither confirm nor deny that this song may or may not be sung to the tune of a popular French folk song...

Ham and Bean Soup
Ham and Bean Soup
You’re so good!
You’re so good!
Wanna fill a whole cup
Gonna eat you all up
Love that soup,
Love that soup!

Ham and Bean Soup
Ham and Bean Soup
Carrots, too!
Carrots, too!
Also really nice is
Celery with spices
Love that soup,
Love that soup!

Ham and Bean Soup
Ham and Bean Soup
From my Mom
From my Mom
Outside the snow is blowing
But my tummy’s glowing
Love that soup,
Love that soup!

1 comment:

  1. I've heard from a very reliable source that pangolins like ham and bean soup :)
